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Roasted Broccoli

Broccoli To The Rescue In a vegetable pinch? You have that bag of broccoli in the fridge you have to use it, but steam it again?!? You can’t bring yourself to do it. My go to for a veggie side is roasted broccoli. Why? Because I’m married to Dr Matt and he...
Simple Sweet Potatoes

Simple Sweet Potatoes

Baked Sweet Potatoes 6 sweet potatoes 3 teaspoons coconut oil or Avocado oil Sea Salt and pepper Or just sprinkle with Herbamare Cut into 1 inch pieces toss in coconut oil or avocado oil, place on cookie sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle on spices or Herbamare....
Do I Need To Get Vaccinated?

Do I Need To Get Vaccinated?

Vaccines are always a hot topic with much emotion and lack of true science on both sides of the debate.  Dr. Paul Thomas a pediatrician of nearly 30 years practicing in Oregon is a great resource on understanding vaccines.  What I find most helpful about Dr....
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

So again I present you with a chocolate chip cookie recipe…these turned out AMA-zing! I attempted to make the Every Last Crumb chocolate chip cookies that were egg free, but I couldn’t bring myself to not add an egg and I ran out of almond flour so I had...
What to Read in 2017

What to Read in 2017

Two things I am not fond of: wasting time and wasting money. Below are some excellent books I have personally read and found extremely beneficial personally and/or professionally. Remember when you read, read for understanding not just knowledge accumulation. Enjoy!...