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6 Minutes of Daily Fitness

“I have not time to exercise.” Well, do you have six minutes a day that you could carve into your break neck schedule?  Of course, we all have six minutes.  Not enough time is not a sufficient excuse for letting your health go and becoming yet another...
What to Read in 2017

What to Read in 2017

Two things I am not fond of: wasting time and wasting money. Below are some excellent books I have personally read and found extremely beneficial personally and/or professionally. Remember when you read, read for understanding not just knowledge accumulation. Enjoy!...
Juice for Health Recipes

Juice for Health Recipes

Do I need to juice to be healthy? I hope not because I can’t say I juice every day or every week or even every month.  Juicing tends to come in waves at our house. Chewing food (mastication) has many digestive and hormonal advantages.  However, I do like a good...
Salad Dressing Special

Salad Dressing Special

The “Jenzer dressing” or “Mrs. Jenzer’s salad dressing”  has been going on green salads in my home since before I was born.  We literally had this dressing or a version of this salad dressing every day at my house with our dinner greens. ...