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Welcome, Let's Get Healthy

Real Health Updates for People Wanting Lasting Results

Roasted Broccoli

Broccoli To The Rescue In a vegetable pinch? You have that bag of broccoli in the fridge you have to use it, but steam it again?!? You can't bring yourself to do it. My go to for a veggie side is roasted broccoli. Why? Because I'm married to Dr Matt and he loves...

Simple Sweet Potatoes

Simple Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It can be difficult to get adequate levels of vitamin A in a standard American dietary fare. This is great reason to bring sweet potatoes on board. A lack of vitamin A is associated with significant immune deficiency, along with a host of mucous membrane ailments.

6 Minutes of Daily Fitness

"I have not time to exercise." Well, do you have six minutes a day that you could carve into your break neck schedule?  Of course, we all have six minutes.  Not enough time is not a sufficient excuse for letting your health go and becoming yet another chronic disease...

Do I Need To Get Vaccinated?

Do I Need To Get Vaccinated?

Vaccines are always a hot topic with much emotion and lack of true science on both sides of the debate.  Dr. Paul Thomas a pediatrician of nearly 30 years practicing in Oregon is a great resource on understanding vaccines. 

What to Read in 2017

What to Read in 2017

Two things I am not fond of: wasting time and wasting money. Below are some excellent books I have personally read and found extremely beneficial personally and/or professionally. Remember when you read, read for understanding not just knowledge accumulation. Enjoy! -...

Salad Dressing Special

Salad Dressing Special

The “Jenzer dressing” or “Mrs. Jenzer’s salad dressing”  has been going on green salads in my home since before I was born.  We literally had this dressing or a version of this salad dressing every day at my house with our dinner greens. 

Cold and Flu Season Preparation

Cold and Flu Season Preparation

It is time to winterize our body’s to combat the cold and flu virus and give your immune system a fighting chance.  Generally, the holidays are an especially immune suppressing time, because the food choices usually are on the nutrient-deficient side, we are around lots of people in small confined place and our exercise routines can get thrown to the curb in favor of shopping, eating, and/or partying.

Got Pain? Get Acupuncture

Amazingly the success rate of acupuncture with chronic pain is in the range of 55-80%. Considering that the highly potent pain medication morphine helps pain about 70% of the time, acupuncture is a viable modality in pain management and eradication.

Are You Radioactive?

The most common symptoms related to chronic exposure to non-ionizing radiation are brain fog, low energy, insomnia, skin irritation, and headaches.

Poor People, Wealthy Belly

Poor People, Wealthy Belly

That spare tire you are carrying around your waist is bringing far more return than any financial planner could ever hope for.  And yes, just like interest compounds, so does unnecessary fat.  As a matter of financial investment, there is absolutely nothing that...

5 Habits for a Happy Body

5 Habits for a Happy Body

The everyday mastery of excellent habits will do nothing but enable your body to enjoy Outrageous Health.  These are not big things;  just little everyday matters that make mounds of difference.